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Villa Tornaforte Aragno - Cuneo - Italy

The initiative was born from the awareness that, in the past, thanks to the actions of enlightened people, today, our territory is at the center of one of the most important artistic and cultural districts of "contemporary art" in the country. This simply means being part of an international debate in which we are recognized as the Valley of contemporary art. “Contemporary Art Colloquia” aims to be a moment of dialogue with the greatest exponents of European and world art, but also with collectors, gallery owners and opinion leaders.


who we are

Aragno Humanities Forum wants to contribute to the process of establishing new platforms for discussion and exchange of ideas on our contemporary reality. What is more authentic and more sensitive than the artistic vision of life, which directs attention towards often hidden depths of feelings and consciousness of being, which reveals hopes and fears, vital energies and destructive forces, harmony and dangers. The “Aragno "Humanities Forum” project reflects the cultural situation of our times and intends to animate unconventional meetings between creators and recipients.

1un uomo con la pipa in mano, Nino Aragno


General manager

Nino Aragno is an Italian entrepreneur and bibliophile, known above all for his publishing house, he attended classical high school in Savigliano and law in Turin, where he was a student of Bobbio. After graduating, he developed an entrepreneurial activity in various areas, including private healthcare, property and agriculture. The Nino Aragno publishing house publishes classics of ancient and modern European thought, as well as editions in collaboration with the Warburg Institute in London, the Collège de France, the Judaistics Institute of the Freie Universitat of Berlin, the Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies of Naples and the Benedetto Croce Library Foundation2. The catalogue, divided into 29 series, deals with topics of history, philosophy, art, literature, economics, politics, history of journalism, classics and poetry.

Un uomo con gli occhiali, lo storico e critico d'arte Lorand Hegyi


Artistic director

Lóránd Hegyi is a historian, art critic, writer and art curator. He was born in Budapest and studied History, Art History and Aesthetics. Hegyi has organized Contemporary Art exhibitions all over the world, was curator of collateral projects of the Venice Biennale and curator of the Toyama Biennale in Japan, curator of the Stuttgart Sculpture Triennial in Germany, curator of the Valencia Biennale and curator of the Poznan Biennial in Poland. He was director of the Museum of Modern Art Ludwig Foundation in Vienna (now called Mumok), artistic director of the PAN (Palazzo delle Arti di Napoli - Center of Contemporary Art), general director of the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Saint-Etienne, in France, artistic director of the Parkview Museum in Beijing and the Parkview Museum in Singapore.

Un uomo con i baffi e la camicia color arancione, l'artista Ugo Giletta



Ugo Giletta is an Italian artist born in San Firmino di Revello, during his career he has exhibited his works nationally and internationally in art galleries, institutions and museums in Italy, France, Belgium, Hungary, Austria, Germany, South Korea, China and Singapore. He collaborated with poets and writers for the creation of some art books for Edizioni Pulcinoeditore, in particular with Orengo and the poet Alda Merini.

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